After lot of research and efforts Mansa Organic (Agronix) has brought pure and full of nutrients organic cold pressed oils for you. These oils are produced with Hydraulic cold pressed process, which is actually used in developed countries. In this process, neat and well ripped fresh organic oil seeds are put in Hydraulic press, without use of any kind of heat, Moisture and chemicals, and oil is extracted only with the uniform cross pressure on the oil Seeds. In this process, the extracted oil is half or less than half as compared to other oil extracting processes. There fore, this oil is full of nutrients and Pure. There is no loss of Nutrients in the process. Use of this cold pressed oil produces HDL(good Cholesterol) in our body. Hydraulic compress process is better than traditional wooden Kolhu (Ghani) because now a days bullocks are replaced by electric motors to run the Ghani which makes the oil heated up and thereby loss of nutrients and impurity in the oil. While extracting oil through traditional Expeller, Dhani, water is added to moist oil seeds and the water residue ultimately come in the oil which results in foam/froth formation. at the time of cooking.
The organic oils produced by Mansa Organic (agronix) is through hydraulic press process. and are pure, full of nutrients and of less yield thereby these oils are expensive. There is no foam/Froth formation in these oils while cooking and these oils produce HDL (Good Cholesterol) in our body. which is good for our health in daily diet and protect us from heart attack, stroke, cancer, alzheimer, diabetes, obesity, Arthritis, hair fall, skill ailments and joint pains.